LOUIS VUITTON, created in 1854 (France), from 2099 sister brands and 4663 competing brands. LOUIS VUITTON is a brand of LVMH, listed on the stock exchange of Paris. Its International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is FR0000121014. The sector of LOUIS VUITTON is Retail -Cyclical.

LOUIS VUITTON is a brand of LVMH (MC) Share price

Share price and profitability of the share LVMH (LOUIS VUITTON)

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Investment simulator :

Amount invested €646.00

Portfolio valuation
LVMH (LOUIS VUITTON) over 5 years* €1,032.32

Stock market history LVMH (LOUIS VUITTON)

Desirable brands, generators of Pricing Power

In times of inflation of production costs, strong brands enable Pricing Power and preservation of margins. Definitions & Examples...

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