Vytvořeno v 2011 (Ireland), Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less vlastní 1058 sesterských značek a 3027 konkurenčních značek. Značku Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less vlastní PERNOD RICARD, společnost kótovaná na burze v Paris. Mezinárodní identifikační číslo cenných papírů (ISIN) PERNOD RICARD je FR0000120693. Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less patří do odvětví Nápoje - Alkoholické činnosti.

Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less je značkou PERNOD RICARD (RI). Cena akcií

Cena akcie a ziskovost akcie PERNOD RICARD (Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less )

Nákup akcie PERNOD RICARD s
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Investiční simulátor :

Investovaná částka 137,45 EUR

Ocenění portfolia
PERNOD RICARD (Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less ) přes 5 let* 118,75 EUR

Historie akciového trhu PERNOD RICARD (Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less )