Utworzona 2011 w (Ireland), Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less własny 1058 marek siostrzanych oraz 3027 konkurencyjnych marek. Właścicielem marki Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less jest PERNOD RICARD, spółka notowana w Paris. Międzynarodowy Numer Identyfikacyjny Papierów Wartościowych (ISIN) PERNOD RICARD to FR0000120693. Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less należy do działu gospodarki Napoje — alkoholowe.

Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less jest marką firmy PERNOD RICARD (RI) Cena akcji

Cena akcji i rentowność akcji PERNOD RICARD (Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less )

Kup udziały PERNOD RICARD za pośrednictwem
(0% prowizji i udziałów ułamkowych)
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Symulator inwestycji :

Zainwestowana kwota 136,95 EUR

Wycena portfela
PERNOD RICARD (Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less ) w przeciągu 5 lat* 118,42 EUR

Historia giełdowa PERNOD RICARD (Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less )

Marki konkurencyjne
Redbreast, Unique among whiskey's, Redbreast 12 is a single pot still Irish Whiskey comprising exclusively of pot still whiskeys which have been triple distilled and matured in oak casks for not less