Hilton, created in 1919 (United States), from 16 sister brands and 641 competing brands. Hilton is a brand of HILTON WORLDWIDE, listed on the stock exchange of New York. Hilton belongs to the Travel & Leisure business sector.

Hilton is a brand of HILTON WORLDWIDE (HLT) Share price

Share price and profitability of the share HILTON WORLDWIDE (Hilton)

(0% commission and fractional shares)
Your capital is subject to risk. Other fees apply. For more information, visit etoro.com/trading/fees.

Investment simulator :

Amount invested $255.89

Portfolio valuation
HILTON WORLDWIDE (Hilton) over 5 years* $603.79

Stock market history HILTON WORLDWIDE (Hilton)

Desirable Brands and Pricing Power – Travel & Leisure Sector

Warren Buffett, the world's best investor for decades, believes that Pricing Power is more important than management.

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